Abstract:Walking, a fundamental activity and travel mode for the elderly, plays a crucial role in improving their physical and mental health. However, previous studies on the relationship between elderly walking and the built environment have paid limited attention to the indicator of daily walking time and its human-scale built-environment correlates. This study uses extensive survey data on residents’walking behavior in Chengdu to analyze the daily walking time of individuals aged 60 years or above, adopts multi-source data such as street view imagery and remote sensing data to assess numerous community-level built-environment factors, and establishes a multiple linear regression model to investigate the relationship between the elderly’s walking time and various built-environment factors. The results reveal positive correlations between walking time among elderly individuals and community-level built-environment factors such as population density, road density, NDBI, the number of recreational facilities, and the green view index. Finally, the study proposes improvement strategies for age-friendly environments, which focus on three aspects:“living circles,”“public spaces,”and“slow transportation system.”
魏东 喻冰洁 杨林川. 社区建成环境对老年人步行时长的影响及优化策略
——以成都市为例[J]. 新建筑, 2024, 42(1): 98-103.
WEI Dong YU Bingjie YANG Linchuan. Effects of the Community-level Built Environment on the Elderly’s Walking Time and Improvement Strategies: A Case Study of Chengdu. New Architecture, 2024, 42(1): 98-103.