Abstract:Fujian traditional courtyard dwellings are a vital part of China's architectural heritage, known for their distinctive regional and cultural characteristics. These dwellings exhibits specific spatial orders and geometric features, while also showcasing a diversity in their combination methods and spatial configurations. This study utilizes shape grammar to explore the generative design methods for these traditional dwellings, aiming to deeply understand their digital generation logic. The research involves the classification the dwellings' layout types and growth patterns, the creation of a comprehensive corpus and grammatical rules, and the simulation of their evolutionary processes. The results show that this method can efficiently generate layouts that align with the characteristics of these dwellings, providing valuable insights for their preservation and innovative design.
张崟,李翰林,王志刚,李昕宇,许蓁*. 基于形状语法的福建传统合院民居生成设计方法研究[J]. 新建筑, 2024, 42(6): 126-131.
ZHANG Yin, LI Hanlin, WANG Zhigang, LI Xinyu, XU Zhen. Study on Generative Design Method of Fujian Traditional Courtyard Dwellings Based on Shape Grammar. New Architecture, 2024, 42(6): 126-131.