Abstract:Due to Chinese cooking methods such as frying and stir-frying, the kitchens of high-rise residential buildings in China can easily become an environment with strong cooking fume exposure, which endangers human health. As an outdoor transition space directly adjacent to the kitchen of the middle apartment, the inner-notch of high-rise residential buildings allows fume particles to spread outdoors through it. The inner-notch shape has an important influence on the ventilation and diffusion level of cooking pollutant. Through combining investigation and CFD numerical simulation, this study analyzes the relationship between cooking pollutant diffusion in middle apartment kitchens and the transition flow field in the inner-notch, exploring the influence of different inner-notch shapes on the distribution of cooking pollutant diffusion in high-rise residential buildings under natural ventilation conditions. The result shows that with the increase of the depth of inner-notch, the kitchen average wind speed increases, the particle concentration distribution decreases, and reaches a peak within a certain depth range, then kitchen wind speed decreases, and proportion of the area with high concentration of cooking pollutant increases. It concludes that the inner patio shape ratio(PSR)in the range of 1:5.0~1:3.0 is more conducive to the diffusion of cooking pollutant.
徐燊,游洁琦,王明豪*. 高层住宅内凹槽形态对厨房油烟颗粒物扩散影响的研究
——以武汉地区为例[J]. 新建筑, 2023, 41(6): 149-154.
XU Shen, YOU Jieqi, WANG Minghao. Research on the Influence of the Inner-notch Shape in the High-rise Residential Building on the Diffusion of Cooking Pollutant. New Architecture, 2023, 41(6): 149-154.