Abstract:Philip Webb is a British avant-garde architect, known as“the father of the Arts and Crafts Movement architecture”. His first work“red house”is regarded as the forerunner of modern architecture. At the time when the classical revival of British architecture was prevalent, Webb deviated from the trend of restoring the classical and combined the vernacular nature of continuing traditional craft and local style with the innovation of paying attention to the sense of wholeness, practical aesthetics and functionality of architectural design. His architectural practice and thought had a wide influence on the Arts and Crafts Movement and modern architecture.
童乔慧,吴歆瑀*. 立足乡土传统的现代思想开蒙者 ——菲利普·韦伯建筑思想分析[J]. 新建筑, 2021, 39(4): 107-112.
TONG Qiaohui,WU Xinyu. A Modern Thought Enlightenment Based on the Local Tradition: An Analysis of Philip Webb’s Architectural Theories. New Architecture, 2021, 39(4): 107-112.