Research on the Judgment Method of Traditional Property Parcels under the Lack of Historical Data and Remains through Historical Towns in Liaoning Province
Abstract:Property parcel is an important element of urban morphology and is a core factor in the urban fabric and morphology of historical towns. The preservation or renovation of historical towns and new construction near or in historical towns require basic data at the parcel level. However, parcel studies are limited in small and medium-sized historical towns in China with the lack of parcel morphology data. As such, urban morphological studies of historical cities in China have significant shortcomings. With a focus on small and medium-sized historical towns in Liaoning, this paper analyses, clarifies and determines the morphological boundaries of their traditional parcels. With the help of satellite maps, CAD mappings, aerial photos and other photos, we conducted inferential research by plan extrapolation and onsite judgment. Whilst clarifying traditional parcels, the study serves to facilitate the extraction and arrangement of data for existing urban historical remains and exploration of the meso–micro features of urban morphology. This paper presents a theoretical exploration of ways to meet the challenge of having insufficient historical documents and physical evidence of our urban heritage. We propose a method for studying local urban morphology in China, which will contribute to the study of urban typo-morphology worldwide.
李冰,苗力,仇一鸣,许宏超. 史料及遗存匮乏困境下的传统产权地块判定方法研究 ——以辽宁省中小型历史城镇为例[J]. 新建筑, 2022, 40(1): 102-108.
LI Bing,MIAO Li,QIU Yiming,XU Hongchao. Research on the Judgment Method of Traditional Property Parcels under the Lack of Historical Data and Remains through Historical Towns in Liaoning Province. New Architecture, 2022, 40(1): 102-108.