Abstract:“Tang-Heng” building, which consists of hall and transverse houses, is the most common type of Hakka-colony-architecture. However, it has drawn much less attention in previous studies than other typical colony-architecture such as “the enclosing building” in southern Jiang-xi, “the earth building” in western Fu-jiang, and the “Wei-long” building in eastern Guangdong. With the analysis of the living in and space prototype of Hakka-colonyarchitecture, this paper infers that the “Tang-Heng” building is the most basic type and could be the common source of the other colony-architecture by comparative analysis on its constitution, distribution and adaptability. Furthermore, the paper tries to sort out the development logic from the “Tang-Heng” building to other enclosing architecture by summarizing the evolution modes and their internal causes. It shows that the flexibility of expansion and variation of the “Tang-Heng” building become the foundation of the development of the diverse enclosing buildings in Hakka.
卓晓岚,肖大威,冀晶娟. 试论客家堂横屋建筑类型的基础性特征及其分异衍变逻辑[J]. 新建筑, 2019, 37(6): 84-88.
ZHUO Xiaolan,XIAO Dawei,JI Jingjuan. Discussions on the Fundamental Features and Evolution Logic of “Tang-Heng Building” in the Hakka Area. New Architecture, 2019, 37(6): 84-88.