Abstract:Based on the investigation of traditional masonry caves construction craft in Pingding County, this paper analyzes characteristics of construction crafts from concepts, interpersonal relationship and techniques. It points out that researchers should take field investigation and oral history as methods to study construction crafts of traditional architecture, and show the result by the means of clear sketching, trying to exhibit fully fresh and vivid picture of how an architecture is built.
朱宗周 周典 薛林平 马頔瑄. 浅谈传统建筑营造技艺特点及研究方法——以平定县锢窑为例[J]. 新建筑, 2019, 37(1): 126-129.
ZHU Zongzhou ZHOU Dian XUE Linping MA Dixuan. A Study on Characteristics and Research Methods of Traditional Architecture Construction Crafts: The Case of Masonry Caves in Pingding County. New Architecture, 2019, 37(1): 126-129.