Abstract:Based on the analysis of integrity that was discussed in two important international documents of industrial heritage protection, Nizhny Tagil Charter and The Dublin Principles, this paper points out the main contents of the integrity of modern industrial heritage include the material remains, the environment and the intangible cultural heritage. Furthermore, the paper adds a new dimension to the integrity of industrial heritage from the view of“serial heritage”and“industrial chain”, and puts forward the suggestion of overall protection of industrial heritage.
季宏. 近代工业遗产的完整性探析——从《下塔吉尔宪章》与《都柏林原则》谈起[J]. 新建筑, 2019, 37(1): 92-95.
JI Hong. An Analysis of the Integrity of the Modern Industrial Heritage: Discussions on Nizhny Tagil Charter and The Dublin Principles. New Architecture, 2019, 37(1): 92-95.