If the Wine is Good, Does it Matter Where the Restaurant Located? A Space Syntax Analysis on the Distribution of Restaurants in Wangfujing Area Based on the Reviewing Data from Dazhongdianping
Abstract:This paper presents an urban block scale space syntax research on the usage and distribution of catering functions based on the data from dazhongdianping, a popular Chinese website for the users to post their reviews on restaurants. This study also compares the web data with the fieldwork observation. The result shows a clear spatial logic in both the web reviewing data and the actual distribute of pedestrian flow on the street, but no clear logic in the data of average cost per person per meal or the rank given by the users. Furthermore, at building scale this research also explores some case studies on the shopping malls in this area. The findings show both opportunity and challenge of using this approach in the future.
盛强,杨滔,刘星. 酒香不怕巷子深? ——基于大众点评数据对王府井街区餐饮业分布的空间句法分析[J]. 新建筑, 2018, 36(5): 124-129.
SHENG Qiang,YANG Tao,LIU Xing. If the Wine is Good, Does it Matter Where the Restaurant Located? A Space Syntax Analysis on the Distribution of Restaurants in Wangfujing Area Based on the Reviewing Data from Dazhongdianping. New Architecture, 2018, 36(5): 124-129.